How to Auto-Archive Email in Outlook 2010

Setting up auto-archive in Outlook 2010

Your Microsoft Outlook mailbox grows as you create and receive items. To manage the space in your mailbox or on the mail server you are using, you can move old items that are important, but rarely used, to an archive location. This storage process occurs automatically with AutoArchive, but you can customize most of the default settings.

AutoArchive moves items from their original location in Outlook to an archive file folder when they expire, that is, when they pass their aging period. You can also set options for items to be deleted when they expire.

Items are stored in their archived locations unless you change one or more AutoArchive settings, or choose to have the items automatically deleted when they expire. If the setting is to Delete expired items, those items are not archived but are deleted permanently. Items can be automatically deleted only before they are moved to their archive location. Items that are already archived can only be deleted manually.

The first time that you run Outlook, AutoArchive is turned on by default and runs every 14 days. You can change how often AutoArchive runs, specify the Outlook data file (.pst) used to store archived items, and choose when items in your Outlook folders are subject to being archived.

    Click the File tab.
    Click Options.
    Click Advanced.
    Under AutoArchive, click AutoArchive Settings.
    Select the Run AutoArchive every n days check box, and then specify how often to run AutoArchive.
    Select any other options that you want.
You can choose to have old items deleted automatically at AutoArchive.


        If you change the archive file listed under Move old items to, this new file will be used each time that AutoArchive runs.

        Set the default folder options first, and then customize individual folder settings. Otherwise, you may unintentionally change the default settings.

Change the AutoArchive settings for an individual folder

In the folder list in the Navigation Pane, right-click the folder that you want to change, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.

    On the AutoArchive tab, select the options that you want.
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